The short answer is this: Humans evolved to be eaters of mostly vegetables, fruits, nuts and some meat. The human body doesn’t need the amount of fat consumed when you eat fried food and moreover doesn’t know you live in the 21st century so it thinks you are desperate to eat any food you can get your hands on. The brain wants you to eat sugar fat and salt until you are sick and will make you crave as much of it as you can eat.
It is for this reason I believe fried food is the cornerstone of the obesity problem in America – second only to sugar and followed closely by a sedentary lifestyle.
But there is another possibly better answer to why fried food is so bad for you.
People describe fats as falling into two groups “good fats” and “bad fats”. Good fats are the mono and poly unsaturated fats like Omega 3 and Omega 6. Good fats have a molecule chain that is flexible and provides building blocks for your body that allow for the best cell membrane composition, allowing for optimum containment of nutrients in the cell. The American heart association suggests 25% - 35% of your daily calorie consumption come from these types of fats. A few generations ago when obesity was 2/3 of what it is today and less than 1% of the population had type II diabetes consumption of fat as a percent of calories was closer to 45%.
Bad fats are saturated and trans fats. For the most part saturated fat comes from animal products. Saturated fat is created in the body so it does not need to be consumed (which is why it’s considered bad), and the rule of thumb is that no more than 7% of the calories in your diet should come from saturated fat. So a 2,000 calorie diet should have about 15 grams of saturated fat. For reference, one tablespoon of butter has 100 calories, but 7 grams of saturated fat.
Trans Fats are in a class by themselves, and it is the trans fats that in my opinion are the REALLY bad fats. There are a few naturally occurring trans fats, but the vast majority comes from man made partially hydrogenated oils. Partially hydrogenated oils are so pervasive you probably have no idea how much of them you are eating unless you are vigilant about checking ingredient lists. The FDA suggests 1% of your diet comes from trans fats, but I would suggest that anytime you eat food where the nutrition is listed on the box it came in, make sure it has NO added trans fats. Even a small increase of trans fats in your diet can greatly increase your risk of heart disease.
Trans fats are called so because of the layout of their carbon and hydrogen molecules. Without getting too much into the chemistry, trans fats are created when you expose oils to very high heat in the presence of hydrogen; a process which causes the fat to solidify. The solidification process adds a hydrogen atom to the fat molecule which creates a stiff fat structure. It is this stiff structure which makes trans fats bad because they clog your arteries and cause heart problems. The rigid structure is also a terrible building block for cell membranes and allows vital nutrients to pass through your cells.
Trans Fats were originally marketed as a health alternative because trans fats aren’t saturated. But I think the real reason trans fats are so popular is because the food industry loves them; trans fats are cheap (they're almost always made from corn or soybean oil), it's easy to transport and it almost never goes bad. Think about it, Crisco doesn’t melt and slosh all over the place and when was the last time your shortening spoiled?
Trans Fats also affect your cholesterol in the worst way possible. Cholesterol comes in two forms LDL - bad, and HDL - good. The LDL is bad because it clogs up the arteries, and HDL is good because much like a cleaning crew it travels through the body gathering up LDL and depositing it back into the liver where it can be properly disposed of. It is easier to lower your bad cholesterol by eating more good cholesterol than it is to simply cut out bad cholesterol. Good cholesterol is an essential part of your diet.
With that information in mind, here is a quick fat comparison:
Good fats: raise good cholesterol and lower bad cholesterol.
Saturated fats: will raise both the good and bad cholesterol.
Trans fats: lower good cholesterol and raise bad cholesterol It is this way that trans fats are a double whammy and the worst possible combination for maintaining vascular health.
Even local governments and the food industry have picked up on how bad trans fats are for you. Within the past few years both New York and California have passed bans on restaurants using artificial trans fats to cook. Labeling on food as being trans fat free is becoming so commonplace, the FDA actually cracked down on foods advertising no trans fats as being misleading to customers who then think the so labeled products are also low in fat. And of course, some trans fat free labeling is just absurd.
Avoid all partially hydrogenated oils – opt to go hungry instead of eating them. Go through your freezer and your pantry and throw all of them away – don’t think about it – just do it – do it today. There is no room for partially hydrogenated oils in your life because the bottom line is
* * *
Next time on Popular Excuses: Superfood: Ginger
Reading List:
Ban on Trans Fats MSNBC
Harvard School of Public Health
The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods, Fats p. 81-95
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